//definitions for angelfire left menu builder javascript script //arrays. sep is used to create the section seperators. all values in each array must align correctly. shortnames is constructed by taking longName[i] and removing all spaces, non A-Za-z characters and lowercasing. each array must start with sep so the code will print out the main menu title longNames = new Array( "sep", "Angelfire Home", "About", "Build", "Cool Pages", "My Account", "What's New", "Web Shell", "sep", "Celebrities", "Comics & Anime", "Games", "Movies", "Music", "Sports", "TV", "sep", "Angelfire E-Mail", "Chat", "Clubs", "Message Boards", "Instant Messaging", "Find a Date" ); shortNames = new Array( "sep", "angelfirehome", "about", "build", "coolpages", "myaccount", "whatsnew", "webshell", "sep", "celebrities", "comicsanime", "games", "movies", "music", "sports", "tv", "sep", "angelfireemail", "chat", "clubs", "messageboards", "instantmessaging", "findadate" ); urls = new Array( "sep", "/index.html", "/doc/general/about.html", "/doc/zones/build.html", "/doc/best/", "/cgi-auth/membership/my_account", "/doc/general/news.html", "/cgi-auth/webshell", "sep", "/doc/zones/celebrities.html", "/doc/zones/comics.html", "/doc/zones/games.html", "/doc/zones/movies.html", "/doc/zones/music.html", "/doc/zones/sports.html", "/doc/zones/tv.html", "sep", "https://web.archive.org/web/20030207074446/http://email.angelfire.mailcity.lycos.com/", "https://web.archive.org/web/20030207074446/http://clubs.lycos.com/live/ChatRooms/ChatSubCat.asp?CG=4e4c7luv6va13ak40188mmh7t0&Area=1", "https://web.archive.org/web/20030207074446/http://clubs.lycos.com/live/Directory/ClubSubCat.asp?CG=4e4c7luv6va13ak40188mmh7t0&Area=2", "https://web.archive.org/web/20030207074446/http://clubs.lycos.com/live/Annotation/BoardsCat.asp?Area=3&CG=4e4c7luv6va13ak40188mmh7t0", "https://web.archive.org/web/20030207074446/http://clubs.lycos.com/live/Main/dload.asp","https://web.archive.org/web/20030207074446/http://www.matchmaker.com/selectcommunity?rs=200011" ); sepNames = new Array( "ON ANGELFIRE", "ZONES", "ON LYCOS" ); arrayLength = shortNames.length; //set up logic for seperators and code for creating a menu break (if there is one) currentSep = 0; sectionSeperator = " "; seperateAt = "ON LYCOS"; sepEnd = ""; sepStart = ""; //html, image, and class declarations arrow = ""; nonArrow = " "; normalClass = "left_menu"; normalLinkClass = "left_link"; highlightClass = "left_menu_selected"; highlightLinkClass = normalLinkClass; currentClass = normalClass; currentLinkClass = normalClass; arrowSwitch = nonArrow; menuHead = ""; menuFoot = ""; menuRow1 = "";

"; menuRow3 = ""; menuRow7 = "